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Psychodrama Organizations & Resources

Madeleine Byrnes, M.A.

Madeleine is a founder and trainer of the Toronto Center for Psychodrama. Her specialty is sexuality, healing and empowering the erotic with individuals, couples and groups. She is a shamanic psychotherapist of pagan and tantric lineage, and conducts "rite of passage"ceremonies. Her Flowering Woman Workshops offer initiation journeys through all stages of the female life cycle.

phone - 416 532-3359

ASGPP - American Society of Group Psychotherapy & Psychodrama

310 Harrison St., Ste. 508
Princeton, NJ 08540 USA
phone - 609 936-1659

The Action Institute of California

The Action Institute of California offers training for professionals in psychodrama and action methods, Psychodramatic Bodywork® Introductory Trainings and staff trainings tailored specifically to the needs of your organization.  Director Jean Campbell also utilizes her business background extensively and offers trainings and consultations for businesses, treatment centers and medical practices, all utilizing action.

HVPI - Hudson Valley Psychodrama Institute

HVPI offers professional training, clinical internships, supervision, on-site in-services, psychodrama services, and consultation to hospitals, schools, human service agencies and industry. Judy Swallow and Rebecca Walters, HVPI's founders and directors, have been offering training in Psychodrama and Action Methods for group and individual therapy since 1989. They are known for their warmth, sensitivity, humor, and ability to create a safe environment in which students can learn and practice. Distinguished guest faculty are also invited to present in their fields of expertise.

The Centre of Psychodrama and Sociometry of Ontario

Barbara Guest-Hargin - or 1- 519-271-5542

Rob Hawkings -, ‭(905) 848-8429


Kim Irvine Albano -, ‭1 (613) 453-8286‬

Mike Lee -,  ‭1 (705) 384-2404‬

Ananta Chauhan -, 1 (613) 7094748, Ottawa, Ontario‬

British Psychodrama Association

IAGP - International Association of Psychotherapists

The International Association of Group Psychotherapy (IAGP) is a worldwide network of professionals involved in the development of group psychotherapy in the areas of theory, clinical practice, training, research and consultancy. Our network provides opportunities for meeting the others: professions, theories and cultures - who are exploring the applications of small, median and large group processes in clinical, organizational and political settings.

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